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Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's another war! Church News Issue 001

Here we go with the news for Monday Sept 27th 2010.
 St. Lukes United Methodist Church in Columbus Ohio has issued a statement forbidding certain members from bringing in stuffed animals or dolls (Which said members use as calming tools for their mental health issues) The Church states "Where everyone is a beloved child of God" (Hmmm,guess thats only if you are NOT a mental patient!!) The "Church" Also states in their "Covenant" That "If anyone is to have a Seizure or is "Sick" They must stay home. (How the Fuck can ANYONE predict a Seizure??) Once again Someone found "Bob" Paraphenalia and alerted St. Lukes and some nutzoid who CLAIMS to work in the mental health feild (But has NEVER heard of the ADAMH board) Has infiltrated the church and has turned the church (St. Lukes) into a sanitized house of "Normals"

In the ongoing fight for the "Church of The..." Nutjob CHN worker (Name witheld because we just don't wat to write to many Pink Names here) has denied EVER saying Th' Rocknroll Reverend should take a piss test and has NOW changed her issue into whether or not he hs a clean house or not. (She changed the whole issue into a dissagreement over a CAT!!)

Is The Church of the Subgenius a Cult? And what is a Cult anyway?
The Church has become an issue of debate in many different cases over the past several years due to the fact that some Glorps and Pinkboys believe the Church to be a Cult, Which raises the question...Just what is a fucking Cult any hoo?
What about the Mormons?
What about the Scientologists?
What about the Jehovahs Witnesses?
What about the Catholics?
What about the Pentecostals?
Everyone of these "Churches" Have had their share of controversies...BUT they are considered legitimate religions.
Their Holy Texts can be gained at any penal insitution and are also allowed at any Military base....But what about "Bob"??
I guess the world is jus to Bobdamned NORMAL for someone as great as the Mighty Dobbs.
Yhea?? Well Fuck you buddy...On July 5th when the saucers return...you are just gonna have to fry!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The first Bobdamn post...let's make it official!!

Praise the sweet sweaty balls of "Bob", After over 20 years we have finally became an official Dobbs Approved Clench. Through the Mud and the Blood and the Beer we have finally come from ranting outside of GWAR shows, to 3am meetings in out of the way all night diners, to a 10 watt LP FM station in the "Bottoms" of Columbus Ohio, to where we are today!! An actual Clench on our way to getting listed on SubSite!
Well...heres the news thus far, Th' Rocknroll Reverend has been denied the right to legally change his name to Elvis P. Monroe, so that name will be used as a fictional character in clench kiddie stories for Saturday School and Th' Rocknroll Reverand will be known by his FULL name Duane Reland Richardson, the name that he is now registered as in the Official Church Documents. Sure It will be confusing to "Bob" Whereas there is record of BOTH Elvis AND Duane Richardson...And NOW Duane RELAND Richardson...(What?? That guy has THREE Passes to the ships??) Damn asshole kept losing his ordainment packs....so instead of just replacing what he lost....He would go and Re Pay "Bob" The whole $30 (Well it was $15 his first time, $20 his second)
On to more News:
The Church is under more scrutiny after the Reverand's CHN worker discovered Church Paraphanalia and D&D Gaming liturature and a High Times Book in the Rev's Apt. Ever trying to "Expose" A Satanist and a Druggie (A druganist??) CHN Worker  (Name With held because speaking it invokes the Anti-Bob) has done everything from only coming out to check houskeeping During Spring and Autumn cleaning and blaming the Rev's weight loss (He was over 325 lbs FOUR years ago and HIGH colestoral and now a Healthy 198 lbs at 6ft 3in) on methamphetamines (And has even threatened him with a suprise urine test) All because of "Bob" and a sticker on his door (Tired of all the sweetness and light.....) But "Bob" be praised....He is Friends with Mental Health Omsbudman (Name With held because we don't have enough money for a lawyer!!) Oy Vey....just be glad we have an Ace in the hole in case the B***h is able to get him kicked out.....Nah, This war has been going on since January of 2007!!
